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        1 - Presenting the model for opinion mining at the document feature level for hotel users' reviews
        ELHAM KHALAJJ shahriyar mohammadi
        Nowadays, online review of user’s sentiments and opinions on the Internet is an important part of the process of people deciding whether to choose a product or use the services provided. Despite the Internet platform and easy access to blogs related to opinions in the More
        Nowadays, online review of user’s sentiments and opinions on the Internet is an important part of the process of people deciding whether to choose a product or use the services provided. Despite the Internet platform and easy access to blogs related to opinions in the field of tourism and hotel industry, there are huge and rich sources of ideas in the form of text that people can use text mining methods to discover the opinions of. Due to the importance of user's sentiments and opinions in the industry, especially in the tourism and hotel industry, the topics of opinion research and analysis of emotions and exploration of texts written by users have been considered by those in charge. In this research, a new and combined method based on a common approach in sentiment analysis, the use of words to produce characteristics for classifying reviews is presented. Thus, the development of two methods of vocabulary construction, one using statistical methods and the other using genetic algorithm is presented. The above words are combined with the Vocabulary of public feeling and standard Liu Bing classification of prominent words to increase the accuracy of classification Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Improving polarity identification in sentiment analysis using sarcasm detection and machine learning algorithms in Persian tweets
        Shaghayegh hajiabdollah Mitra Mirzarezaee Mir Mohsen Pedram
        Sentiment analysis is a branch of computer science and natural language processing that seeks to familiarize machines with human emotions and make them recognizable. Both sentiment analysis and sarcasm which is a sub-field of the former, seek to correctly identify the h More
        Sentiment analysis is a branch of computer science and natural language processing that seeks to familiarize machines with human emotions and make them recognizable. Both sentiment analysis and sarcasm which is a sub-field of the former, seek to correctly identify the hidden positive and negative emotions of the text. The use of sarcasm on social media, where criticism can be exercised within the context of humor, is quite common. Detection of sarcasm has a special effect on correctly recognizing the polarization of an opinion, and thus not only it can help the machine to understand the text better, but also makes it possible for the respective author to get his message across more clearly. For this purpose, 8000 Persian tweets that have emotional labels and examined for the presence or absence of sarcasm have been used. The innovation of this research is in extracting keywords from sarcastic sentences. In this research, a separate classifier has been trained to identify irony of the text. The output of this classifier is provided as an added feature to the text recognition classifier. In addition to other keywords extracted from the text, emoticons and hashtags have also been used as features. Naive Bayes, support vector machines, and neural networks were used as baseline classifiers, and finally the combination of classifiers was used to identify the feeling of the text. The results of this study show that identifying the irony in the text and using it to identify emotions increases the accuracy of the results. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Improving Opinion Aspect Extraction Using Domain Knowledge and Term Graph
        Mohammadreza Shams Ahmad  Baraani Mahdi Hashemi
        With the advancement of technology, analyzing and assessing user opinions, as well as determining the user's attitude toward various aspects, have become a challenging and crucial issue. Opinion mining is the process of recognizing people’s attitudes from textual commen More
        With the advancement of technology, analyzing and assessing user opinions, as well as determining the user's attitude toward various aspects, have become a challenging and crucial issue. Opinion mining is the process of recognizing people’s attitudes from textual comments at three different levels: document-level, sentence-level, and aspect-level. Aspect-based Opinion mining analyzes people’s viewpoints on various aspects of a subject. The most important subtask of aspect-based opinion mining is aspect extraction, which is addressed in this paper. Most previous methods suggest a solution that requires labeled data or extensive language resources to extract aspects from the corpus, which can be time consuming and costly to prepare. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised approach for aspect extraction that uses topic modeling and the Word2vec technique to integrate semantic information and domain knowledge based on term graph. The evaluation results show that the proposed method not only outperforms previous methods in terms of aspect extraction accuracy, but also automates all steps and thus eliminates the need for user intervention. Furthermore, because it is not reliant on language resources, it can be used in a wide range of languages. Manuscript profile